1. Basic provisions
Legalconsult.org is an international law firm (hereinafter referred to as the Company) registered under the laws of Estonia, whose goal is to provide the highest quality services to its clients.
2. Resources managed by Legalconsult.org
The Legalconsult.org websites and any other resources owned and operated by Legalconsult.org (the “Resources”), which, among other things, include:
2.1. Company Facebook page: www.facebook.com/Legalconsult.org
2.2. LinkedIn company page: www.linkedin.com/company/Legalconsult.org This list is not exhaustive and can be supplemented if necessary.
3. Status of information posted on the Resources
3.1. The resources managed by Legalconsult.org are for informational purposes only.
3.2. Nothing on these resources should be construed as creating a legal relationship between the Company and you.
3.3. The information posted on the Resources is not legal advice.
3.4. The Company is not responsible for any damage or any loss that may result from any use of the information provided on the Resources.
3.5. The Company also denies, to the extent possible under applicable law, any liability in connection with actions or omissions that were committed by you on the basis of information posted on the Resources.
3.6 If you have any questions regarding the content of information posted on the resources, you can write to us at team@legalconsult.org.
4. Connection with other information resources Any links placed on the Company’s Resources to external information resources do not establish any legal relationship between the company and third parties owning these information resources. The Company is not responsible for the information posted on these information resources.
5. Combating money laundering and terrorist financing The company provides training to its employees on anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and countering other illegal activities. The Company also makes efforts to identify violations of the law among its customers. The Company is not responsible for the illegal actions of customers and the misuse of the results of the provision of services.
6. Copyright
Copyright © 2025 Legalconsult.org. All rights reserved. Information posted on the Company’s Resources is protected in accordance with international copyright conventions. Reproduction of parts of information posted on information resources is possible only under the following conditions:
- The results of such reproduction are available free of charge and for non-commercial purposes;
- The results of such reproduction have references to Legalconsult.org as the author of the information;
- The reproduced information has not been changed and was provided in a form that does not distort the meaning of the information posted on the Company’s Resources;
- There is a link to the disclaimer notice.
6.5 The ability to reproduce information on the Resources in compliance with the above points is not a permission to include a significant part of the information posted on the Resources in work or publication in any possible form.